I really love this verse and often forget about it, I used to have it posted on my bathroom mirror and my frig. and when I found this I knew I had to post it. As I said yesterday my heart has been heavy with the flooding and deaths in Ark. and seeing pictures of the people who died, esp. the kids just makes me ill and that's all I can say about that. I learned in a bible study a few years back about praying and the thing that really stood out in my mind is when you start to pray don't start off my asking for things, start off with thanking him for what he has done and not for what you want him to do, I tell you, I do that, I always remember that, it's so easy to ask for things without having gratitude first. Have a good day my friends.
Hi! Stacy, count me in on praying! I have been watching all the updates on my local news about this, and yes as I said, it is so sad, just cannot understand why things like this happen. I love the verse that you have! What a comfort God's word is! Have a great week!:)
Perfect post for the times! thanks for sharing.
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