thank goodness it's Monday, cause I am one sore lady! we painted ALL stinkin weekend! but... the results are so good, and even though I am sore and wore out, it was a good workout! so now that means I don't have to go to the gym this week, right?? come on, help me out here! the kids even helped out here and there, Hannah just got to pick up and do a little lite cleaning, but Cameron he got to paint and he loves to paint!! we are getting closer to having the house ready, all we keep saying is "keep your eye on the prize"! Anyway, that's what our weekend consisted of, so now I am just making more list of what needs to be done next and checking off what was done already. Our yard was looking kinda jungly so it's being done right now, we don't have time for yard work these days, hehe! well, I guess that's it, oh and I'm kinda ticked right now, I bought some new Italian Sweet Cream creamer yesterday, and it is not good, I mean when I opened it and smelled it there was no smell and usually it would smell so good and sweet, so I thought maybe it would taste good, but no such luck, what a waste of a $1.79 plus a coupon! okay I need to go and do soooo many things, trust me I will not say the word "bored" for awhile!
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