I really want to talk this morning and everytime I start a post I erase it because it doesn't sound or look good, but I am just going to type whatever comes out. I have alot of mixed emotions right now, a little depression, anxiety, and I just hate it, but I made a decision when I got out of bed this morning and took the dog out that I was going to choose a better day for myself, that is all I can do. I think with my dad's surgery next week and then his recovery are looming in my mind, it's a tough ordeal. I am truly trying to adapt the take things as they come and deal with that when it comes, I can't forecast everything, no one can, and that is hard for me, but, it sure is alot easier. At least the sun is shining today, that sure helps a yucky mood, and I am going to run to Hobby Lobby and get some things to finish some projects, that place really gets me going!
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