I am still here!!! don't forget about me people, just been really busy this week, we are all good here, kids are doing fine in school and the routine is back to normal, in fact, I lost the cord to my camera to connect to the computer to download their back to school pics, that I took with the card "not" in there, (dumb, I know) ha!! I will get one today so I can show you my babies!! ha
As far as this picture is concerned, I am dreaming of fall, my favorite season of all, love it with a passion, I can't wait to decorate!!!
Hi! Stacy, so glad you sound so much better than last post! Yes! routine with school with everyone sounds normal. Fall is acoming! I can sense it in the air. Looking forward to viewing all the pretty colors that will make our spirits Happy:). Have a fun wk-end!
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