Gotta love the stomach virus, NOT!! my dear husband started it last week, Cameron picked up on it Sun. night and missed 2 days of school, and last night it came to visit me! sheesh, but I am on the mend just weak. To lighten the mood I need to do another one of my "list"
I am so for fall weather I can barely stand it, bring on the cool weather
Ready for some new yummy recipes to try out
Wanting to get my crafty mojo going again, I am getting there... tell ya more later
looooove Halloween, it is one of my favs. can't wait to decorate
Need to get back to Dallas to visit our friends and family, how much fun it will be
I am loving some of the new fall shows, and can't wait for the 2 news ones tonight
I know I have more, I am just getting sleepy and am going to lay my head back on my pillow and snuggle up, I am having some broth for dinner tonight with some more soda crackers, I know, your jealous, but I need to give my tummy some TLC! I told Jim to pick up Wendy's or something for them, until later! S
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