Okay so we have officially been "swined", the kids brought the notes home yesterday and we are out until next Tuesday! good heavens alive!!! so here we are at grandmas, far from our friends, the weather is yucky, and by tomorrow the kids will be bored!! so, we will just have to go visiting! we may also catch a movie one day, who knows???? Anyway we're just hangin out today the car isn't leaving the driveway, we needed a "down-day" from all our crazy ventures!!! so I figure later this evening before my much loved American Idol comes on I am going to have some spa time, bubble bath, pedicure for Hannah and me, exfoliating my face and heels (they are looking a bit on the nasty side) I need some TLC, for the past 2 weeks it's been packing, cleaning, all the yucky stuff and now I need to freshen it up! ha! And... you know how I got my hair cut a few weeks ago, well, I think I want to go shorter, so I am going to do that this week too and I can't wait!!! Later peeps!
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