Happy April!!! It is a cute little month, kinda simple, spring is popping it's head out and giving us teases of nice warm weather, it's Easter time, many have spring fever, some are dreaming of the flowers they will plant in their yards, lawns need mowing, the kids are enjoying playing outside longer and coming in fulfilled and happy from bike riding, rip sticking, playing with friends, it's a happy time! It is a pretty day here in East Texas, this whole week has been cold though, so we are liking todays weather, I am thinking about a nice long walk, I love my walks, walking is my choice of exercise, always has been, my mother was always a walker, us kids would love to walk the neighborhood with her, or ride our bikes! I got my Spring/Easter decor up this week, love the sweet arrangements my mom and I put together, they are happy, and I could use all the happy I can get these days, ha! Life is good though, I just ride a roller coaster these days, grief for my father's loss, MS aches and pains, but... I am good, it's life. The weekend is not too busy, Jim's store is having a big sale tomorrow so he is working, Cameron is going to mow my sisters yard for them tomorrow, he likes to mow and he likes the extra $ also, he is planning to go to the movies with friends next weekend so this is perfect for him! Hannah has been struggling with allergies this week, so we need to get her all better, church Sun. and then Sun. night mom and Wayne are coming over for dinner and we are looking forward to that, so thankful for my family and my blessed life, to God be the Glory!!! Have a great weekend!
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