I knew when I found this button it would be perfect for my post!! I love it, it says such truth. I have been feeling such hope and excitement for the last couple of weeks about some changes I am working towards in my life and I love the way it makes me feel. They are all good changes, ones that help me step out of my comfort zone, don't we all love those comfort zones!! haha
As for around here, we are just hanging out, playing with friends, video games, a friend of Cameron's is here from Dallas spending some time with us and they are having fun, we are going to swim today, I can't wait, I have been doing some exercises in the water and it feels so good to my body, kids are still sleeping, I am having my coffee, and enjoying the quiet before the storm hits! ha and believe me it will once their feet hit the floor! Jim has been so busy at the store the last few months and working so hard for our family, we don't see him as much but he has hired someone new and is getting them trained so that should give him some relief, I know they are looking forward to riding dirt bikes this weekend, they love it!!! well, I guess that about covers it for now, need more coffee, Have a great Friday!!